Hoy en España y otros países más se celebra el día de la madre. La pequeña Giselle quiere cocinar para dar una sorpresa a su madre. Quiere hacerle un bizcocho con forma de rosa.
Today in Spain and Other Countries Celebrated Mother's Day. The small Giselle wants to cook to surprise her mother. She wants to make a cake with form of a rose.
Today in Spain and Other Countries Celebrated Mother's Day. The small Giselle wants to cook to surprise her mother. She wants to make a cake with form of a rose.
Prepara tots els ingredients de la recepta.
Prepara todos los ingredientes de la receta.
She prepares all the ingredients for the recipe.
She prepares all the ingredients for the recipe.
Va echando todos los ingredientes en un bol. Sabe que muy importante tamizar la harina. Es muy divertido y tiene harina hasta en la nariz!
She is throwing all the ingredients in a bowl. She knows that is very important to sift the flour. It is very funny and has flour in her nose too!
She is throwing all the ingredients in a bowl. She knows that is very important to sift the flour. It is very funny and has flour in her nose too!
Afegeix pel seu compte un ingredient especial, un licor per aromatizar una mica.
Añade por su cuenta un ingrediente especial, un licor para aromatizar un poco.
She adds also her own special ingredient, a liqueur to aromatize a bit.
I ara toca remenar una mica amb la batedora.
Y ahora toca remover un poco con la batidora.
And now she has to remove it all with mixer.
And now she has to remove it all with mixer.
El motllo està preparat.
El molde está preparado.
The mold is prepared.
El molde está preparado.
The mold is prepared.
Afegeix una mica de margarina i farina.
Añade un poco de margarina y harina.
Add margarine and a bit of flour.
Add margarine and a bit of flour.
Pone la masa en el molde. Y al horno ...
She puts the dough into the mold. And baked ...
45 m. més tard ... ja el tenim fet!
She puts the dough into the mold. And baked ...
45 m. más tarde ... ya lo tenemos hecho!
45 m. later ... and we have done!
Desenmotlla i veu que la forma de rosa ha quedat perfecta!
Desmolda y ve que la forma de rosa ha quedado perfecta!
She unmolds and sees that we have a perfect rose!
El decora una mica. Lo decora un poquito. She decorates a little.
I presenta el regal a la seva mama!
Y presenta el regalo a su mamá!
And present her gift to her mother!
Y presenta el regalo a su mamá!
And present her gift to her mother!